Karla Ochoa

Date Speaker Title
13-Jul-2014 Karla Ochoa When Tears Become Our Prayer
18-Jan-2015 Karla Ochoa When Jesus Is Silent
14-Sep-2014 Karla Ochoa Tonight, Jesus Is Passing By
16-Aug-2015 Karla Ochoa The Way That Jesus Sees You
26-Jan-2014 Karla Ochoa The Healing Of The Lame Man
01-May-2016 Karla Ochoa The Father's Heart When We Mess Up
12-Oct-2014 Karla Ochoa Shut The Door And Expect Miracles
27-Dec-2015 Karla Ochoa Reaching Out To Jesus
26-Apr-2015 Karla Ochoa Poison On Your Plate
11-Oct-2015 Karla Ochoa Losing What is Really Precious
30-Nov-2014 Karla Ochoa Leave Your Water Pot And Get The Living Water
09-Mar-2014 Karla Ochoa Karla Ochoa
30-Oct-2015 Karla Ochoa Just Say The Word
05-Jul-2015 Karla Ochoa Jesus Heals You, Arise And Make Your Bed
21-Feb-2016 Karla Ochoa Jesus And The Stones In My Life
27-Apr-2014 Karla Ochoa Healing Out Of Brokenness
22-Feb-2015 Karla Ochoa Don't Cry Because Jesus Is Here
10-Aug-2014 Karla Ochoa Be Encouraged My Son And My Daughter
29-Jun-2014 Karla Ochoa A Devine Appointment In The Desert

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