“The Corinthian Problem: The Roots and the Resolutions to Powerlessness in the Last Days’ Church” is a series of messages that the Holy Spirit has put on my heart based on the books of First and Second Corinthians. What is it about Corinth? What is it about this church? What was the Holy Spirit trying to get very deep into the consciousness of this people through the Apostle Paul?
I believe this series of sermons is a word from the Lord for those who are serious about these days and what it means to be part of the church of Jesus Christ. By the time we get to the end, if you have held through with these messages, and if you really want to hear what the Holy Spirit’s going to speak, there’s going to be something of God come into you. Something of an understanding of Christ, a depth that perhaps you’re only scratching the edge of right now. If you want to go deeper with God than you’ve ever gone before, the Lord’s going to take you there.
—Pastor Carter Conlon