Claude Houde

Date Speaker Title
29-Dec-2024 Claude Houde The Increase of Our Peace
22-Oct-2024 Claude Houde Protecting the Blessing
20-Oct-2024 Claude Houde The Prayers of the Spiritual Warrior
21-Jul-2024 Claude Houde Increasing and Protecting Our Faith
18-Jun-2024 Claude Houde When the Enemy Knocks at your Door
21-May-2024 Claude Houde Healing From Discouragement
05-Nov-2023 Claude Houde Overcoming Through Pressure and Persecution
24-Sep-2023 Claude Houde The Miracle of Multiplication
04-Jul-2023 Claude Houde Rise, Take Up Your Bed, and Walk
13-Jun-2023 Claude Houde Come Back to Penecost
18-Apr-2023 Claude Houde The Unchanging Power of the Cross
17-Jan-2023 Claude Houde Reversing Generational Limitations
29-Nov-2022 Claude Houde Recapturing The Power Of Praise
27-Nov-2022 Claude Houde They Shall Mount Up, They Shall Run And They Shall Walk
06-Sep-2022 Claude Houde Seeking True Worshippers
05-Jul-2022 Claude Houde The Power of Death and Life
19-Apr-2022 Claude Houde God's Dream For You
26-Dec-2021 Claude Houde Table In the Presence Of My Enemies
28-Nov-2021 Claude Houde A Call To Spiritual Living
11-Aug-2019 Claude Houde Faith To Heal From Offenses
28-Jul-2019 Claude Houde Enemies Of Our Faith
05-May-2019 Claude Houde Shipwrecked Under His Sovereignty
22-Jul-2018 Claude Houde Hallowed Be Thy Name
16-Jul-2017 Claude Houde By This All Will Know: From Abraham To Antioch
04-Jun-2017 Claude Houde Psalm 91: A Psalm Of Spiritual Warfare
14-Aug-2016 Claude Houde A Serious Call To Spiritual Unity
10-Jul-2016 Claude Houde The Pursuit Of True Happiness
05-Jun-2016 Claude Houde From Multiplication To The Storm
09-Aug-2015 Claude Houde Understanding and Fulfilling the Call of God
07-Sep-2014 Claude Houde Lifting Our Hands In The Valley Of Battle
05-Sep-2014 Claude Houde Why I Have Decided To Follow Him
20-Jul-2012 Claude Houde The Power To Become
12-Oct-2010 Claude Houde The Difference of the Spirit is Love
25-Jul-2010 Claude Houde The Miracle of Intercession
23-Jul-2010 Claude Houde The Spirit of a New Generation
08-May-2009 Claude Houde Two Kings in the Valley
03-Aug-2008 Claude Houde The Friend at Midnight
01-Jun-2008 Claude Houde The Greatest Invitation
30-May-2008 Claude Houde Discovering the Father's Love
14-Jul-2007 Claude Houde Burundi Pastor's Conference Day 3: Session 1
12-Jul-2007 Claude Houde Burundi Pastor's Conference Day 1: Session 1
08-Jul-2007 Claude Houde Burundi Evangelistic Rally: Gitega

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